Thursday, June 24, 2010

Almost sand storming, close editing and wish shopping on etsy

Very windy day in Doha. It looked like we would get a sand storm for a minute, but then we didn't. Sand storms are our main source of weather excitement. I kinda wanted some weather excitement.

When I first got to Doha I used to walk down to the Al Waab construction site everyday to feed a pack of dogs. One day, we had a sand storm. A true palm trees-parallel-to-the-ground sand storm. Everyone hunkered down inside. But me in my novice desert living naivete thought "what's the big deal?" It's just wind. And sand. I shrugged into my backpack and headed to the construction site. After about 20 flesh flaying yards I turned back from the insane howling, and complete body dermabrasion. Sand was actually driven through several layers of clothing into my skin. I think I may still have sand embedded in my skin. Exciting!

In addition to wishing for a sandstorm I started close editing the anthology which is now close to 350 pages. I'm working page by page, line by line. I won't go on and on about it, but let me just say this, Arabian Gulf poets are amazing. Super, super amazing.

When I needed a little breather from editing I pretended I could have anything I wanted from etsy. This is on the top of the list:

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